Hello, my name is Vlad Faust.

I am a jack of anything IT, master of some; see my CV.

You can contact me via š•GitHub or Telegram, or e-mail me directly at hey at vladfaust.com.

The Onyx Programming Language

, Moscow, Russia

In the previous article I successfully justified my desire to build yet another system programming language. Unlike others, I want to do it right from the very beginning. Meet Onyx!

Table of Contents

The Onyx programming language Ā¶

The language logo, an Onyx-black panther

Onyx is a general-purpose statically typed programming language suitable both for application and system programming.

Top-Down Features Ā¶

Onyx syntax is inspired by C-family languages, such as Ruby, C++ and even Rust Iā€™m sorry.

Onyx imposes robust inference mechanisms. The rule is generally ā€œinfer unless ambiguousā€, with meaningful defaults.

Onyx is a memory-safe language. There are multiple levels of enforced safety, with unsafe being the minimum safety level allowing for extreme optimizations. This opens great opportunities for powerful abstractions.

Unlike other languages, Onyx treats pointer arithmetic as a first-class use-case, but with memory safety. The concept is expressed in raw but typed pointers containing a memory scope. For example, it is not possible to safely pass a local pointer to an outer scope. Moreover, pointers preserve low-level features like address spacing and alignment.

It is extremely easy to do interoperability in Onyx. Onyx is similar to C++ in this sense: C code is considered a part of the program (with minor differences), and it is simple to export Onyx code as a shared library.

Programs written in Onyx are cross-platform by default in the sense of that there are no target-dependent features in the language itself: no threading, no memory control. But fear not, thanks to powerful abstractions, these are likely to be already implemented by someone else!

Onyx introduces powerful macros written in Lua. It allows to re-use existing Lua code and have full access to the compilation context thanks to easy debugging with Lua.

Onyx has simple-to-understand lifetime and moving concepts naturally built into the language. Instead of fighting with a borrow checker, simply get an address of a variable: a compiler would not allow you to misuse it.

Classes may have a finalizer defined and thus have automatic resource control.

Onyx implements real traits as composable units of behaviour thanks to powerful function management tools like aliasing, implementation transferring, un-declaring and renaming.

Classes and traits together impose object-oriented capabilities of the language.

Onyx has a concept of generics. Specializations of generic types may have different members and evaluate delayed macros. Specializations of functions with generic arguments may return different values and also evaluate delayed macros.

Functions may be overloaded by arguments and return values.

Onyx has a concept of annotations, which may be applied to variables and functions.

The language defines a set of now-commonly used arithmetic types, including SIMD vectors, matrices and tensors, floating and fixed binary and decimal numbers, brain and tensor floats, ranges and ratios.

Onyx contains several utility types, such as unions, variants, tuples, anonymous structs, lambdas and runnable blocks of code.

Exceptions are designed to be truly zero-cost to enable exception flow in Onyx programs.

Hello, world! Ā¶

Letā€™s jump into some code samples. This would give a brief overview of how Onyx programs look like.

This is a very basic program written in Onyx:

import "stdio.h"

# Outputs "Hello, world!"
export int main() {
final msg = "Hello, world!\0"
unsafe! $puts(&msg as $char*)
return 0

In the example, a C header named "stdio.h" was imported into the Onyx program. Now Onyx is aware of assembly functions declared by this header.

Later on, one of these functions, puts is called directly from Onyx. An Onyx compiler can not give any safety guarantees about called assembly functions. Therefore the call must be wrapped in an unsafe! statement.

If something weird happens, a developer may simply grep the program source code for unsafe! statement to quickly narrow to potentially hazardous areas of code.

Imported entities are referenced with preceding $ symbol to distinguish them from those declared in Onyx context.

The final statement defines a constant named msg. The type of msg is inferred to be String<UTF8, 14>, i.e. a UTF-8-encoded array of code units containing 14 elements. Note that this is not a pointer, but a real array, probably allocated on stack.

Then, the address of the msg constant is taken. The resulting object of taking an address would be String<UTF8, 14>*lr0, which is a shortcut to Pointer<Type: String<UTF8, 14>, Scope: :local, Readable: true, Writeable: false, Space: 0>.

Do not be intimidated, though! Thanks to inference, shortcuts and meaningful defaults, youā€™ll rarely have to use full types.

The pointer to msg is then coerced to C type char*. Such coercion would be unsafe, and a compiler would typically panic.

However, the coercion is already within the unsafe context itself thanks to the wrapping unsafe! statement. No need to write unsafe! again.

The program above is normally compiled by an Onyx compiler, such as fnxc, into an object file. The object file declares the exported int main(void) prototype, which must be pointed to at as an entry function by a system linker. Thankfully, this tedious operation is likely to be automatically handled by a higher-level build tool, such as fnx.

Note that Onyx does not have any implicit __onyx_main function, which effectively restricts non-trivial automatic static variable initialization and finalization. But in return, it makes the emitted code predictable and portable.

Using a Standard Library Ā¶

An Onyx compiler is not required to implement any sort of OS-dependent standard library. Instead, the standard library Standard is specified elsewhere (spoiler alert: by the Onyx Software Foundation).

A standard library ought to be used as a typical package and required like any other from your code. Again, by default, an Onyx program does not depend on any OS-specific features.

The example above could be abstracted into this when using a standard library implementation:

require "std"

export void main() {
let msg = "Hello, world!\0"


Now, the code is perfectly safe. Even passing of &msg is allowed, because Std.puts has an overload accepting a String*cr, i.e. a read-only pointer with caller scope, and a pointer with local scope may be safely cast to caller scope upon passing to a function. This is where the full power of pointer scope harnesses!

Also note that msg is now a variable instead of a constant, as it is defined with let statement. Taking the address of msg would return String<UTF8, 14>*lrw0. Notice the w part? The pointer is now writeable. And it is perfectly legit to pass a writeable pointer as a read-only argument: it would be coerced down to a read-only pointer within the callee.

Exceptions Ā¶

We had to wrap the Std.puts call into the try block, as it could throw some system exception. The cause is that an exported function must guarantee never to throw an exception, thatā€™s why we wrapped it. The Std.exit function is declared as nothrow, so we can leave it as-is.

But what if we wanted to inspect the backtrace of the possible exception? Well, the language Standard states that a backtrace object must implement the Endful<Location> trait. This is truncated source code of the trait:

struct Location
val path : String*sr # A static pointer
val row, col : UBin32

trait Endful<T>
decl push(value: T)
decl pop() : T
decl pop?() : T?

Letā€™s implement some Stack type to hold the backtrace.

āš ļø A big chunk of non-trivial code!
# A stack growing upwards in memory.
# The `~ %n` part means "accept a natural
# number literal as a generic argument".
class Stack<Type: T, Size: Z ~ %n>
# This class derives from this trait.
derive Endful<T>;

# Define two empty structs.
struct Overflow;
struct Underflow;

# Do not finalize this variable
# in the end of stack lifetime.
# `@[NoFinalize]` is application
# of an unsafe annotation.
unsafe! @[NoFinalize]
final array = unsafe! uninitialized T[Z]

# A getter makes the variable read-only
# from outside, but writeable inside.
get size : Size = 0

# A class, unlike a struct, does
# not have a default initializer.
def initialize();

# But class allows to
# define a finalizer!
def finalize()
# Only those stack elements which
# are alive shall be finalized.
size.times() -> unsafe! @finalize(array[&])

# Push a value into the stack.
# Throws in case of stack overflow.
# It implements `Endful<T>:push`.
impl push(val)
# The scary operator is expanded to
# `size <<= size ^+ 1`, meaning
# "push-assign to `size` a saturated
# sum of it with 1".
# Push-assignment returns the old
# value instead of the new one.
if (size ^+<<= 1) < Z
# `<<-` moves the value from `val`
# into the array, "ejecting" the
# old array value. But at this point,
# the old array value is already
# finalized, so we explicitly disable
# it finalization here.
@nofinalize(array[size - 1] <<- val)
throw Overflow()

# Pop a value from the stack.
# Throws in case of stack underflow.
# Note the alternative syntax to
# reference the declaration.
impl ~Endful<T>:pop()
return pop?() ||
throw Underflow()

# Pop a value from the stack
# if it is not empty.
# Returns `Void` otherwise.
impl nothrow pop?()
# Expands to `size <<= size ^- 1`.
if size ^-<<= 1 > 0
# We don't copy the array element,
# but move it from the array.
# A copy of bytes of the element are
# preserved in the array, but we
# consider it already dead, a corpse.
# That's why we don't finalize it
# in the `push` implementation.
return unsafe! <-array[size]
return Void

Oof, sorry for such a seemingly complex piece of code. But I had to do it, sooner or later!

But wait! Thankfully, the language already comes with a Stack implementation, so we donā€™t need to write it in our code.

A try statement has optional with clause accepting a pointer to a Endful<Location> implementation. The example above may be rewritten like this:

require "std"

export void main() {
let msg = "Hello, world!\0"
final backtrace = Stack<Location, 32>()

try with &backtrace
while final loc = backtrace.pop?()
# Could've also made use of
# `loc.row` and `loc.col`...
# An unrecoverable error ā˜¹ļø

Now we can inspect the exception backtrace!

An HTTP Server Example Ā¶

It is considered a good tone to demonstrate how to build a simple echoing HTTP web server in your language. This would also be my ā€œsorryā€ for the big-ass Stack implementation above.

The thing is that running a web server is architecturally different on different target platforms. An implementation on Linux could make use of raw sockets, an implementation on Windows could make use of the win32 "http.h" header etc.

Therefore, the standard library would not contain a web server implementation. Instead, some third-party package should be used, which would inevitably be plenty of!

Letā€™s imagine weā€™ve found one satisfying our needs. Thatā€™s how it could look like:

require "std"
require "http" from "mypkg"

export int main () {
final backtrace = Stack<Location, 32>()

try with &backtrace
final server = HTTP::Server()

server.get("/") ~> do |env|
# Read the request into a
# local `Std::Twine` instance.
final body = env.request.read()

# Write the twine
# into the response.
env.response << body

server.listen("localost", 3000)
catch |e|
Std.puts("Caught \@{{ e }}\n")

while final loc = backtrace.pop?()
Std.cout << "At " <<
loc.path << ":" <<
loc.row << ":" <<
loc.col << "\n"

# Unrecoverable error šŸ‘æ

Thanks to powerful abstractions and type inference, you wonā€™t need to manually use socket each time you want to spin up a web server on Linux!

Oh, by the way, did you notice the \@{&lcub; e }} thing? It was me, Dio macro!

Macros Ā¶

A fundamental feature of Onyx is macros. Macro is a Lua code generating Onyx code (or another macro code). Yes, recursive macros are allowed, but more on that later.

Letā€™s examine a straightforward macro example.

import "stdio.h"

export void main() {
{% for i = 0, 2 do %}
unsafe! $puts("i = {{ i }}")
{% end %}

The code above would expand exactly to:

import "stdio.h"

export void main() {
unsafe! $puts("i = 0")
unsafe! $puts("i = 1")
unsafe! $puts("i = 2")

That simple: the Lua code runs during compilation. And this is not some truncated version of Lua, no. This is a fully-fledged dynamic language, right within your compilation context. Think of reading and parsing files during compilation, accessing system configurationā€¦ The possibilities are endless.

You may concern about the safety of macros. Well, yes, you have to trust the code you run. You do trust C libraries you link to your programs, right?

However, you wonā€™t trust an NPM package, because an NPM package author does not care about their reputation, and because NPM does not have auditing features. This is the Open-Source sustainability problem addresses in the previous article and potentially solved by the aforementioned Onyx Software Foundation.

As a result, given that you do have access to code you require, authors of packages your program depends on are appropriately rewarded for their work, and the Foundation sponsors audition of selected packages, you should be safe.

Back to the possibilities. Macro use-cases include:

Delegating computations to compile-time

For example, you can compute a Fibonacci number sequence in a macro, and output the result right into the code. Letā€™s examine the following small snippet:

-- Local context is preserved
-- during this file compilation
local function fib(n)
local function inner(m)
if m < 2 then
return m

return inner(m - 1) + inner(m - 2)

return inner(n)

# This is a macro "function", which
# may be used directly from Onyx code.
macro @fib(n)
{{ fib(n) }}

import "stdio.h"

export void main() {
unsafe! $printf(&"%d\n", @fib(10))

In this example, @fib(10) would evaluate during compilation and emit a number literal 55, so the code turns into simple $printf(&"%d\n", 55).

Of course, this would increase compilation times, and it is your responsibility to find the right balance based on your needs.

Generating ORM models from SQL migration files

This is how it might look like:

macro @gen_class(name)
-- Accessing system configuration
local db_path = os.getenv("DB_PATH")

-- Builds "create_user" for "user.nx" file.
-- Note that `name` variable is accessible.
local migration_file_path =
db_path .. "/create_" ..
name.value .. ".sql"

-- Requiring works as usual, so you may
-- make use of Lua packages, even those
-- with native C bindings!
local myparser = require("src/sqlorm.lua")

-- Begin emitting Onyx code
nx.emit("class User\n")

-- Emit a field defintion per column parsed
local function callback(field) do
nx.emit("let " .. field.name ..
" : " .. field.type .. "\n")



And then in some model/user.nx file:

# Require the file
# containing the macro
require "gen_class"


Which would possibly result in:

require "gen_class"

class User
let name : String
let age : UBin8

Generating code based on current compilation target

Nuff said. For example:

{% if nx.target.isa.id == "amd64" then %}
$printf("This is amd64")
{% else %}
$printf("This is not amd64")
{% end %}

Having different traits for different specializations

For example, there is Int<Base: ~ \%n, Signed: ~ \%b, Size: ~ \%n> type in the Core API representing an integer.

Based on the value of Base and Signed generic arguments, the actual code generated for, say, summation function, would call for different instructions for signed and unsigned integers.

It may look like this:

reopen Int<Base: 2, Signed: S, Size: Z> forall S, Z
impl ~Real:add(another : self) throws Overflow
final result = unsafe! uninitialized self
final overflowed? = unsafe! uninitialized Bit

local s = nx.scope.S.val and "s" or "u"
local t = "i" .. nx.scope.Z.val

unsafe! asm
template llvm
%res = call {\{{ t }}, i1} @llvm.\{{ s }}add.\
with.overflow.\{{ t }}(\{{ t }} $0, \{{ t }} $1)
$2 = extractvalue {\{{ t }}, i1} %res, 1
in r(this), r(another)
out =r(overflowed?)

if overflowed?
throw Overflow()
unsafe! asm
template llvm
$0 = extractvalue {\{{ t }}, i1} %res, 0
out =r(result)

return result

This is a fairly complex example making use of the inline assembly feature. But this is what the language is capable of.

Notice that delayed macro blocks, i.e. those beginning with {&lcub;, are evaluated on every specialization, so the contents of the add function would be different for Int<Base: 2, Signed: true, Size: 16> (a.k.a. SBin16) and Int<Base: 2, Signed: false, Size: 32> (a.k.a. UBin32).

There were other features of Onyx mentioned in the example: 1) reopening certain or broad (the forall thing), specializations, 2) aliasing. In fact, this is how integer aliasing looks like in the Core API:

# `IBin8` and `Bin8` are
# both binary integer types.
alias IBin<*>, Bin<*> = Int<2, *>

# Use a macro to DRY the code.
private macro @alias_binary_sizes(id)
alias \{{ id }}8 = \{{ id }}<8>
alias \{{ id }}16 = \{{ id }}<16>
alias \{{ id }}32 = \{{ id }}<32>
alias \{{ id }}64 = \{{ id }}<64>
alias \{{ id }}128 = \{{ id }}<128>

# Signed binary integers.
alias SIBin<*>, SBin<*> = IBin<true, *>

# Unsigned binary integers.
alias UIBin<*>, UBin<*> = IBin<false, *>

Macro code can generate other macro code. The algorithm is to evaluate immediate macros (e.g. {&percnt; %}) immediately once they are met in the code by some lexer, but evaluate delayed macros (e.g. \{&percnt; %}) only when the time is right, for example, per specialization.

This allows to avoid embarrassing situations like this in Rust.

Apart from simply print "Debug", Lua contains powerful debugging facilities, e.g. debug(). This means that you can debug your compilation, even with breakpoints from an IDE!

Complex Types Ā¶

Onyx type system comprises two types of an object: real and imaginary. Hence the name ā€œcomplexā€.

Real type is the actual type with a concrete memory layout, while the imaginary type is how a compiler traits this object.

Together with trait types, this approach meets the maintainability goal set in the previous article.

Consider the following example:

trait Drawable2D
decl draw()

struct Point
derive Drawable2D
impl draw()
# Draw the point

struct Line
derive Drawable2D
impl draw()
# Draw the line

def do_draw(x ~ Drawable2D)

Within the do_draw function x initially has type Undef~Drawable2D, where Undef is the real type, and Drawable2D is the imaginary type.

Having an Undef real type in an argument declaration implies that this argument is generic. In other words, for each unique real type specialization of x, the function would specialize once again.

Letā€™s modify the function a bit:

def do_draw(x ~ Drawable2D)
{% print("Immediate: " ..
nx.ctx.x.real_type:dump()) %}

\{% print("Specialized: " ..
nx.ctx.x.real_type:dump()) %}


The compiler would output the following:

Immediate: Undef
Specialized: Point
Specialized: Line

We can see that Undef specialized into a concrete type in a function specialization.

Would x.draw() work within such a function? Indeed it would because the imaginary type is set to Drawable2D. In other words, x has behaviour of Drawable2D and thus can be called its methods upon.

It is still possible to operate on a real type in this case thanks to type information known at compile-time:

def do_draw(x ~ Drawable2D)
\{% if nx.ctx.x.real_type == nx.lkp("Point") %}
# x : Point # Panic! It is still `Undef`
# x.point_specific_method # Panic!
(unsafe! x as Point).point_specific_method
\{% end %}

x.point_specific_method would cause compiler panic, because it can not guarantee that this would work for every possible x now and in the future. This solves the potential issue when calling do_draw with a new type unexpectedly breaks the callee; in other words, incapsulation is preserved.

The language contains some syntax sugar to simplify the example above:

def do_draw(x ~ Drawable2D)
if x is? Point
x : Point # OK

# # For the sake of scope incapsulation,
# # can not do that outside of the branch.
# x.point_specific_method # Panic!

Imagine that we add another trait with the same declared function. It Onyx, the collision must be resolved, but the collided functions can still be called by their original names after restricting the callerā€™s imaginary type. For example:

trait Drawable3D
decl draw()

reopen Point
derive Drawable3D
impl draw() as draw3d
# Draw point in 3D

# Move the existing implementation
# under another name
moveimpl ~Drawable2D:draw() to draw2d

Luckily, no changes have to be made to the do_draw() function, because the compiler treats the argument solely as Drawable2D, and calling draw() on it always calls Drawable2D:draw()! Thus, changing the type from outside would not break a callee.

The Point type now has draw2d and draw3d methods. Of course, calling Point:draw() would not work anymore, because weā€™ve moved the implementation. But it is still possible to restrict a Point to the required trait and call draw() on it. For example:

final p = Point()

# p.draw() # Panic! Ambiguity

p.draw2d() # OK, draw 2D
p~Drawable2D.draw() # OK, draw 2D

p.draw3d() # OK, draw 3D
p~Drawable3D.draw() # OK, draw 3D

Incapsulation at its finest!

More Highlights Ā¶

Some more highlights of the languageā€™s features:

I could continue digging into Onyx features and examples, but for an introductory post, that should be enough.

However, a good language by itself is only a half successful endeavour. Any new language needs a good foundation, ensuring the growth of its ecosystem. This is where the Onyx Software Foundation comes into play.

The Onyx Software Foundation Ā¶

The Onyx Software Foundation (NXSF) is to be an official 501 (c) non-profit organization, so donations made to it are tax-exemptive.

All NXSF processes are going to be transparent and open.

Standards Ā¶

The Foundation will be governing several major and auxiliary standard specifications related to Onyx:

  1. The Onyx Programming Language Specification. The specification includes the following:

    1. Language specification, including macro API specification.
    1. Platform identifiers specification.
    For example, `amd64`, not `x86_64`.
    The list includes [ISA](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Instruction_set_architecture)s with meaningful default <abbr title="Instruction Set Extensions">ISE</abbr>s, modern processing units list (e.g. `skylake`) with set of enables ISEs for them, operating systems and ABIs.
    1. Portable API format informative specification.
    So that raw API documentation generated by a compiler may be used by different documentation visualizers.
    1. Expected optimizations informative specification.
    So a user may safely rely on compiler optimizations, e.g. loop unrolling.
  2. The Onyx Standard Library Package Specification. Basically, a set of declarations which standard library package implementations shall obey.

  3. The Onyx Package Management Specification. Defines client and server side APIs for relieable package acquisition. This includes versioning algorithms and, for example, requiring third-party auditions.

  4. The Onyx Compiler Interface Specification. So different compiler implementations had a unified interface to interact with, using DSON.

  5. Dead-Simple Object Notation (DSON) Specification. This format is intended to be used in CLI to describe complex object structures.

  6. DSON Schema Specification. The standard to describe objects in DSON.

Standardization process will be official, with responsible committees consisting of community-elected members called community champions, and businesses sponsoring the Foundation. The votes will be split evenly between community and businesses to represent both sides fairly.

Package Hosting Ā¶

NXSF will provide a free Onyx package hosting platform.

To be eligeble for hosting, a package shall have an OSI-approved license.

NXSF will provide funding for packages both based on the source-on-demand model and selectively chosen by a Foundation committee.

In addition to monetary funding, NXSF would also sponsor recurring security auditions of selected packages.

Funding the Ecosystem Ā¶

Apart from funding packages, the Foundation will sponsor projects and events related to Onyx, including teaching conferences, teaching materials, integrations etc.

Onyx is the perfect balance between productivity and performance, a language understandable well both by humans and machines.

Thanks to powerful abstraction mechanisms and inference, the areas of the appliance are truly endless. I heartfully believe that Onyx may become a new lingua franca for decades until humanity learns to transfer thoughts directly into machines.

Visit nxsf.org to stay updated, andā€¦

Enjoy the performance.